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Oil Filter Crimp Washer

Oil Filter Crimp Washer

Part#: EN5
Price: $1.00
Availability: In Stock
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Seals Oil Filter Banjo Bolt to the canister filter (2 required - 1 required for each side of the banjo fitting).

You do not need these 2 if you're purchasing our EN1 Oil Filter Adapter Kit.

Also used on oil return pipe adapter on the engine block. 1 crimp washer needed for that application.

Installation tip:

Although in some applications it doesn't matter which way you install the crimp washer. The intended and best leak proof way to install is with the larger flat side facing the matting surface & crimp side facing out. For example, if using for the oil filter banjo bolt, install the larger flat side towards the banjo fitting for the outer washer & towards the oil filter head for the inner washer. For both of those washers the crimp side goes towards the bolt head.

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