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Transmission and Shifter Arm Grommet

Transmission and Shifter Arm Grommet

Part#: TR14
Price: $3.00
Availability: In Stock
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2 required for the transmission arms & 2 required for the shifter arms. 4 required per Metropolitan.

You will want to reuse the original bushing. If yours is missing we have a limited supply of used ones.

A lot of Metros have shifting issues - this is a good inexpensive place to start.

Also available in all of our Transmission Overhaul Gasket Sets and the Shifter Rebuild Kit SHK1.

If you're having issues with your shift rods there is a good alignment procedure in the Service Manual

Here is the correct way your shift rods need to be installed: It is the same whether you have the early (1200A) or late (1200B & 1500) transmission. The arms will crisscross. 

1. The 1st arm (straight) bolted to the transmission (towards front of the car) is 2nd & 3rd gear. The shifting rod goes to the rear of the shifter mechanism in the engine compartment. That is the shorter rod. If the rod does not reach to the arm bolted to the transmission - unbolt that arm and flip it around, it's probably slightly bent or installed incorrectly.

2. The 2nd arm (bent) bolted to the transmission (towards rear of the car) is 1st & Reverse gear. The shifting rod goes to the front of the shifter mechanism in the engine compartment. That is the longer rod.

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