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Late Negative Ground Electronic Ignitor

Late Negative Ground Electronic Ignitor

Part#: EL53
Price: $155.00
Availability: In Stock
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Negative ground - Begins E-21008. Fits original distributors.

If your points look this this (click the link) then this is the correct electronic ignition.

Replaces points, condenser, & low tension lead. When adding an electronic ignition to your original distributor you'll want to check, and replace if necessary; the spark plug wires, distributor cap, rotor, & spark plugs. Check the related items below.

The included grommet (that goes where the low tension used to) fits the new distributors correctly. If you're using on an original distributor they will need trimmed slightly.

When you combine value & ease of upgrade ignitors are probably the #1 thing you can do to upgrade your Metropolitan.

Points are a pain to constantly mess around with, although Pertronix ignitors are quite a bit more expensive up front they're a 1 time buy & a drop in replacement.

More reliable, better idling & performance will be noticed after installation. Ignitors deliver twice the voltage to the spark plugs, increasing horsepower, fuel economy, and spark plug life. 2:1 increased coil output & rotating cobalt magnets trigger a Hall Effect. Integrated circuit, no points to burn, no moving parts to wear out. Epoxy molding makes the module impervious to dirt, oil, grease, & moisture. Stable timing - no need for any adjustments.

Manufacturer warrantied for 30 months. 2 different styles of connectors for different coils & detailed instructions are included.

With a negative ground car you can now charge your cell phone, add a modern radio, alternator, or any modern electrical accessory of your choice. If you need to change your car to negative ground you can click on the link by scrolling down to the footer at the bottom of every page and click on the negative ground conversion instructions.


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